Lance Armstrong joined the Tour de France One Day Ahead riders for two days of training in the Rocky Mountains in Aspen, Colorado.

Whatever may be said about Lance Armstrong over recent years he was a true gentleman and perfect host to the group of riders who turned up in the high altitude resort of Aspen for a training camp.
He and his partner, Anna Hansen, opened their home to us and gave us all a warm welcome.
Camera crew, photographer and press were all present to experience and talk about our goal to raise £1million for Cure Leukaemia by riding every single stage of the 2015 Tour de France.

Personally I had to pinch myself a few times to make sure it wasn’t a dream. I was on the Champs Elysees with my family for every one of Armstrong’s wins and like everyone of the time we drank from the fountain of the success of the US Postal and later the Discovery cycling teams. We also drank from the fountain of hope that Armstrong gave us all about how recovery from cancer can indeed be possible. Regardless of anything, Lance Armstrong gave tremendous hope to cancer sufferers worldwide, one of them being Geoff Thomas.

I remember contacting the Livestrong foundation on behalf of a young relative who was diagnosed with cancer and they sent him a package of hope, to Ireland !
There are some who may say that the hope was built on false pretenses but the fact remains that one way or another Armstrong inspired many on their recovery from cancer and many others to give money and support to help cancer sufferers and help find a cure for cancer for nearly two decades. More than $500million !
There are few people who can claim that sort of fundraising ability.

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